Do You Have An Open Mind?

Have you ever taken the time to really investigate Christianity and Jesus Christ? Christianity has rational answers to life's biggest questions.
There are four BIG questions everyone wants answered.
The Bible has the answers. Use these link below to learn what the Bible says:
God does not want anyone to be lost. (What is hell like?) You may never have read the Bible. You may be a Muslim, Baptist, Catholic or an atheist. It doesn't matter. God wants to give you a new heart and new life. Whoever you are and wherever you are. His plan involves Jesus Christ, and the incredible free gift He has made available.
That's right! A free gift from God!
We invite you to read the answers to the most importaqnt questions anyone can ask. This is a small web site. It won't take you very long. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.
This video presents a message that David O'Brien wanted the whole world to hear.
If a friend knew something that would save your life, would you want them to tell you about it?
That's what this web site is all about. The good news that will save your life. The good news is simple: you have disobeyed God; as a result you are under the death penalty; but Jesus has died in your place and then rose from the dead to show us we truly will live forever. Turn away from disobeying God (sinning) and trust Jesus to give you eternal life.
If as you read this web site you desire to turn to God and trust Jesus for your salvation, that means God has already given you His saving grace. You will be in heaven with God for eternity. Nothing can ever take your salvation away from you. Nothing can ever separate you from God. We invite you to tell God how you feel about what He has done for you.
Save Yourself Some Pain (Living Waters web site)
"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:38-39

God loves you. His desire is that you experience His goodness for eternity. He loves you so much that every day... every minute... every second God is giving you a second chance--for the millionth time--to choose Him and trust Jesus. "He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." - 2 Peter 3:9b
But, you may not live another day. You don't know when your time will come. When it does the second chances end... your decision is final and accepted by God. If you choose Jesus you will live with Him forever--having eternal life. If you choose to turn away from God, that's what you'll have for eternity... eternal separation from God. It's called hell.
Tap this link to learn: How to choose Jesus
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